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To date, D-Wave users have developed more than 150 early quantum computing applications in areas as diverse as airline scheduling, election modeling, quantum chemistry simulation, automotive design, preventative healthcare, and logistics. Many have also developed software tools that simplify application development.


Below are abstracts for some of the talks that have been scheduled at this year's conference. If you would like to present a talk or a poster, please contact Susan Davis at

Algorithms & Tools

Machine Learning

Materials Science


Science & Healthcare

Quantum as a Business

Algorithms & Tools

Reinforcement Quantum Annealing

Ramin Ayanzadeh, UMBC

Preprocessing a QUBO for Quantum Annealing -- Persistency Analysis and the Roof Dual

Georg Hahn, LANL/Harvard

Forward-Reverse Error Mitigation Procedure for Quantum Annealers

Mark Novotny, MSU

C Code In, D-Wave QMI Out

Scott Pakin, LANL

Minimizing Polynomial Functions on a D-Wave Quantum Computer: An Overview

Sridhar Tayur, CMU

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

"Dynamic Optimization" Practical Business Framework for Business Profit

Yuichiro Minato, MDR

Restricted Boltzmann Machine Image Generation Using the D-Wave

Jennifer Sleeman, UMBC

"Dynamic Optimization" Practical Business Framework for Business Profit

Yuichiro Minato, MDR

Restricted Boltzmann Machine Image Generation Using the D-Wave

Jennifer Sleeman, UMBC

Materials Science

Simulations of the Ising Model on a Shastry-Sutherland Lattice by Quantum Annealing

Paul Kairys, ORNL


Benchmarking Portfolio Optimization with Quantum Annealing

Erica Grant, UTenn/ORNL

Delivering Value with Quantum Computing

Shreyas Ramesh, Accenture

Quantum Annealing for Computational Optimization Across Scales

Fengqi You, Cornell

Science & Healthcare

Reconstructing Proton-Proton Collision Positions at the Large Hadron Collider with D-Wave

Souvik Das, Purdue

Computing Protein-Ligand Binding Free Energy Using Quantum Annealing

Vaibhaw Kumar, BAH

A Peptide Designed using the Rosetta Software Suite and the D-Wave 2000Q

Vikram Mulligan, Menten AI

Particle Track Pattern Recognition via Content Addressable Memory and Adiabatic Quantum Optimization

Gregory Quiroz, Johns Hopkins


Leveraging Quantum Annealing for Large MIMO Processing in Cluster-Based Radio Access Networks

Kyle Jamieson, Princeton

Quantum as a Business

Creating New Business Opportunities with Quantum Computing and AI

Eihiro Saishu, Groovenauts

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